We’re here to answer all your dance-related questions! This season is packed with exciting opportunities, and you won’t want to miss a moment!
Pictures will be held during your child's regular class time April 28th-May 3rd. No purchase necessary, but PLEASE come for pictures so every child can be in the yearbook!
Recital day will be June 21st 2025, with a mandatory dress rehearsal happening on June 20th from 1-9pm. Recital is broken up intofour shows. In the description of the classes you are choosing, it will tell you what show you will be in; You have a year to prepare!
You can find this information using your DSP app.
Select MORE- My students- select the class (listed under your student) and read the drop down information.
You can also view details HERE.
Dress Rehearsal is set up based on what recital time your dancer is apart of.
10am Recital- 12pm Dress Rehearsal 6/20/2025
1pm Recital- 2pm Dress Rehearsal 06/20/2025
4pm Recital- 4pm Dress Rehearsal 06/20/2025
7pm Recital- 6pm Dress Rehearsal 06/20/2025
Please reach us at fearlessdancenw@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
You can update attendance through your DSP parent portal. Select MORE- Attendance- select the student- and updated accordingly. You can also email, text or send us a band message. Our email is fearlessdancenw@gmail.com
Our phone number is 509-560-4151. Please do not reach out directly to your instructor.
Our tuition is charged on the 1st of each month. Autopay is ran on the 5th and late fees are assessed on the 15th.
You can drop your cash or check payment into our Tuition box at the studio, or you can pay using your parent portal. You can access through the parent link here, or download the Dance Studio Portal App (listed at the top of this page).
All studio closures will be listed on the Band Calendar. They will also be posted in the lobbies, on the HQ page and in your welcome email.
We will monitor the weather and road conditions throughout the day. We will notify families directly and post and update on the band page.
All tuition and fees are listed on our website here.
Performance Fee End of Year Recital (June)- You may opt out of performing. This fee is per student.
Costume Fee for June Performance- Per Dancer, Per Class. All Costumes fees are non-refundable.
We share the recital date before the next dance season starts. All important dates will be posted on our Band Page. There are four recital show times (10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm), and the recital show time will be known when you register for class.
You always have the option to opt out. Please let the instructor, front desk, or Miss Annie know by Dec 15 or you will be billed accordingly. All performance fees are non-refundable.